Sunday, November 24, 2013

50% off and Jumping.

Article: “Photos Of Your Food? Check In on Foursquare? Not at This Restaurant”
Article: Sophie Brown
Published: November 21, 2013

            In the article “Photos Of Your Food? Check In on Foursquare? Not at This Restaurant” written by Sophie Brown she writes about a restaurant owner who is discounting meals at fifty percent to people who turn off their phones while dining at his restaurant.  Jawdat Ibrahim the restaurant owner got tired of seeing people “glued” to their screens instead of eating their food.  He believes that this idea will pay off in the long run.
            This is something that I see a lot at restaurants when I am out and about.  But I must admit that even I am guilty of this. It is even worse when I notice that I am doing that then put my phone down and the people that I am with still continue to be glued to their phones instead of engaging in a conversation. If a restaurant around me did the same kind of deal I would definitely shut my phone off to eat.  Fifty percent off who wouldn’t do that??

Article: “Woman leaps from third deck of Oakland stadium after NFL game”
Author: Simon Moya-Smith
Published: November 23, 2013

            In the article “Woman leaps from third deck of Oakland stadium after NFL game” written by Simon Moya-Smith he writes about a women who decided to jump off the Oakland stadium.  The women went into an area that was closed off to the public and decided to jump.  According to Simon Moya-Smith people on the second deck below her tried to persuade her to jump but she did not listen.  A man tried to catch her but he was injured along with the women in doing so. 

            All you can really ask is why she would try to jump from the stadium.  Well why would you try to jump period.  Bravo to the guy who tried to save her though. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Unfit Parenting and Purses

Article: “Not Loving’ It: Dad accused of ‘Unfit Parenting’ for Refusing to Take His Son to McDonalds”

Author: Madison Gray

Published: November 08, 2013

            In the article “Not Loving’ It: Dad accused of ‘Unfit Parenting’ for Refusing to Take His Son to McDonalds” written by Madison Gray she talks about divorcee who was called an unfit father because he refused to take his son to McDonalds.  He was called unfit by a psychologist who then also told the judge of his custody hearing.  After that happen the father decided to file a “defamation suit” against the psychologist.  This all began when the son through a tantrum when he did not get his way in going to McDonalds.  When the father stood his ground for not taking his son to McDonalds, he was deemed unfit. 
            I do not understand why he was called an unfit parent for not taking his son to a fast food restaurant.  Most people would commend that move. So how is he unfit?  Did something else happen that is not in the article because I do not understand.  I know that if it was me I would have done the same thing and stood my ground. 

Article: “Kansas boy reportedly suspended from school over wearing purse”


Published: November 07,2013

            In the article “Kansas boy reportedly suspended from school over wearing purse” published by the article talks about a boy who was suspended from school for a wearing a purse. According to the article the teen had been wearing the purse since August.  He was called into the assistant principles office and was told to remove his purse.  When he refused he was suspended.  The school also said he cannot return to school unless he takes the purse off.

            If the boy has been wearing the purse since August why is he just now being asked to take off the purse? On top of that what is wrong with him wearing the purse?  He is not hurting anyone by doing so.  So why not allow him to wear it?

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Fat Letters and Beer

Article: “N.D. woman to hand out “fat letters” to obese kids during Halloween”
Author: Michelle Castillo
Published: October 30, 2013

            In the article “N.D. woman to hand out “fat letters” to obese kids during Halloween” written by Michelle Castillo, she talks about a woman to was going to hand out fat letters to children who seemed obese.  The woman states “I think it’s just really irresponsible of parents to send them out looking for free candy just because all the other kids are doing it”.  The article also talks about how some states have been accused of sending fat letters home with children.  Castillo also says that that practice dealt with because the letters may cause emotional distress upon the child. 
            Well what can you say about this? A LOT.  I understand that you may think parents are in the wrong for letting their child go out looking for candy.  But writing and sending out fat letters to kids you think are obese, how is that okay?  Supposedly you are looking out for the welfare of the children, but you are potentially making everything worse for these children.  The self-esteem of children and even some adults are fragile.  Sending out these kinds of letters are dangerous to the psychological health.  Trying to look out for the child is great but people need to realize what they could potentially cause with their actions.

Article: “Man Saves His Family From Burning House, Runs Back in to Save His Bud Light”
Author: Jessica Roy
Published: October 28, 2013

            In the article “Man Saves His Family From Burning House, Runs Back in to Save His Bud Light” written by Jessica Roy she talks about a guy who rescues his family from there burning house, then decides to go back into the house to save his beer.  The family was watching television when their water heater decided to give out and fill their living room with smoke.  Walter Serpit then helped his family to safety then went right back into the burning house to save his Bud Light. 

            When a man wants his beer he truly wants it! At least he saved his family first then went in to save his beer and not the other way around!