Sunday, October 20, 2013

From ashes to dipping sauces.

Article: “Man Scatters Fiancée’s Ashes in Fla. Lens Crafters”
Author: Gillian Mohney
Published: October 17, 2013
            In the article “Man Scatters Fiancée’s Ashes in Fla. Lens Crafters” written by Gillian Mohney, it talks about a man scattering the ashes of his late fiancé in a Lens Crafters.  Lens Crafters was located in the Westfield Southgate mall in Florida.  Due to the man scattering his ashes the mall had to go into shutdown because the people were not sure what the man was doing or what the substance was.  The man was quickly caught while the substance was confirmed that it was not harmful.  The man told police that his fiancée had a connection to the place.  The man was not charged with anything but he was offered grief counseling.  The article ends by saying that you can spread your ashes anywhere in Florida but the freshwater. 
            What can you really say to this?  A guy spreading his late fiancée’s ashes in a place where he knew she had a connection to.  That is like anyone spreading ashes of someone they love.  Do I think it was appropriate well I really have no answer to that question.  Who am I to say that place was not important to her or to him. 
Article: “Customer Flips Out At 25-Cent Charge for Dipping Sauce, He got away on a purple bicycle”
Author:  Laura Stampler
Published: October 16, 2013
            In the article “Customer Flips Out At 25-Cent Charge for Dipping Sauce, He got away on a purple bicycle” written by Laura Stampler she talks about how a guy makes trouble at a Seattle Jack in the Box.  He was being charged 25 cents for a third dipping sauce and he went crazy.  An elderly by stander was trying to calm the situation down when the man pushed him to the ground.  Stampler also states that while the guy was screaming at the cashier she gave the man the extra sauce for free.  The elderly man suffered no injuries but the screaming customer got away on a purple bike.

            As someone who works in fast food, I can sympathize with those workers who had to deal with that man.  I never realized how important sauce is for people.  How some people will not even get certain items from the menu if we do not have a certain type of sauce to go with that order.  But I must say that I am glad that where I work does not charge for dipping sauces because I am not sure I would be able to handle being yelled at like that.  My patience would go through the roof.  So kudos to anyone that can and has dealt with all those situations!

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